Friday, June 24, 2011


What is it with exams that makes you not want to face it? Is it the stress, the feeling that you are just going to crash down the second you get the paper, or is it the fact that you just don't give a damn about facing it? In my case, I'm positive that it is the second. Poor me!
It is said that once you experience failure you get so determined to succeed. Clearly that fact had escaped me. I am still the same insane person blindly killing away time, as I was, back in my first league (or maybe even worse).
With less than 2 more months for the exams, (I'm biting my nails now) all I do is cut classes and surf the net. (how impressive!) There is another thing that helped me to reach these heights, it is day dreaming. I can go on and on day dreaming for hours. (That would fall into my 'talents' category.)
No wonder I'm called the kalakanniya in the family.

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